Understanding and Awareness


I am strong, but I was once weak. I am confident, but I was once insecure. I am resilient, but I was once a quitter. With all these qualities I possessed, I was labeled as a negative role model. Growing up in a low-income neighborhood on the border of North York in Toronto’s east end, I was told I wouldn’t amount to nothing. My box was limited to empty corners that would later be filled with hate and obscurities which would further lead me down a dark and narrow path. The light at the end of the tunnel was dim as if the flame atop a candle was burning out. My friend was shot dead in cold blood which sunk me into his grave beside him when he got buried. I felt the heated words burn every inch of my body like third degree burns. That gave room for negative labels inside those empty spaces. “He’s weak, he’s a quitter, he’ll never be anything but another statistic.” With all the negative stereotypes and dark clouds circling above me, I was now completely broken. Years rolled by like old tires that lost its traction. When the tire popped; I broke free of the trap. #Motivation #GetItTogether #Believe #Faith #MyPastWontDefineMe the negative labels and stereotypes than began to fuel my ambition and all the darkness began to brighten. The darkness is still there, but more of a reminder of the days that I was at my lowest. Every breathing moment is now deemed as a blessing and as long as I have God and Family, my weaknesses have strengthened, my insecurities turned to resiliency, and I will never quit! Hashtag NEVER GIVE UP!!!

