In mid-summer, I was surfing the net to find a place to reside. I found something that was of interest to me, so I went over to view the house and upon arrival, I met with a woman from a different background than me. I introduced myself and we went on to exchange questions and information. I felt satisfied with what I saw, but something didn't feel right to me. Why? Because the lady who I met, the homeowner, gave me a funny look which sent off negative feedback on my end. After observing this behavior and reaction, I asked her to clarify the information that was posted in her ad. The house was listed at $1750 with hydro included. I asked her, “Mama, how much are you renting the house for?” She replied, “$2000 plus hydro.” I said, “Are you sure? That’s not what was stated in your ad.” She stated that for sure that was what she stated in her ad. I asked, “ok Mama, can I show you the ad and read the messages that we sent to each other?” She said, “No.” and she began to call me a liar. I felt offended so I calmly asked her, “Mama, is it because I am black that the price jumped from its original posting to a higher price? Is it because you think I cannot afford $2000 plus hydro? What is it Mama?” Then she called me a liar and started yelling. I said to her, “Mama, I am going to be leaving your premises. Thanks for your time. But before I go, remember that we are all from different backgrounds and races, but we all bleed red, and we are all humans. And try sometimes to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. One day it can be the very same person who you’ve discriminated against that turns around and helps you. In this life, we all need each other. Your stereotyping and being racist really hurt me deep down because in God's eyes we are all equal. Thanks for your time Mama. Have a good day now Mama.”
No one really knows how one feels when you’re in power you can feel like you can never fail, fall or make any mistakes but you are only fooling yourself. No one knows what God has planned for us down the road. You can be here today and gone tomorrow so live every day like it’s your last. No one wants to put themselves in other’s shoes but that same person wants someone to feel their pain when they are in need (empathy, sympathy). The saying is, “What goes around comes around.” Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.

Photography Copyright © 2017 by Emily Hill at Emily Maureen Photography. All rights reserved. No photography or statements may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including printing, photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the photographer.