My name is Reginald Ofori. I am 18 years old and I am going to begin college in the next school year. I will be studying business finance administration. My story will be about different stereotypes people projected on me throughout my four years at high school. People would say I’m not good at sports. Maybe it’s because of how big I am. Sometimes it hurt. It felt like gunshots aiming at my soul. That’s why I shouldn’t let people discourage me. Because of this, I joined the senior rugby team and the ultimate frisbee team in my final year at Weston CI. I’ve also taken time to film for the senior boys’ basketball team every game. They won the city championship, I went to the OFSSA with them and they won a gold city medal. In addition, I am also the recipient of the Fred Flaxman Award at his year’s Weston Athletic Banquet Awards. In conclusion, I was able to overcome my weakness and issues, and doing in doing so has made me very successful.