Understanding and Awareness

Matthew / Product of Being Labeled

Life has a way of making people perceive you in a way that you don’t see yourself. In my case, throughout my middle/high school days I was labeled so many things. Things that can make a young person or anyone become something that there not. I was labeled as a “bad kid," “bully," “menace," “bad breed," “bad role model," “gangster” and “discourteous.” Those are just a few of the things I’ve been labeled. They’ve had a major impact on my life, which made me act a certain way towards something or someone. Yet through it all, those labels don’t define who I am. I am a young person who is filled with hope and dreams. I may not be perfect, but no one is. I made a lot of mistakes in my younger days; mistakes that I will have to live with forever but I’ve learned from those mistakes. All the things that I’ve been labeled as, has made me questioned whether I’m a good person or not. But they have also help shaped the person I am today. You can judge me by what you hear or you can take the time to understand me. But at the end of the day I know who I am! My name is Matthew Plummer and I’m a product of being labeled- Product of #beinglabeled  
