Aaron / Product of My Ambitious & Entrepreneurial Parents
Most people when they look at me assume I have a hand in the fashion industry, but it is quite the contrary. I actually have little to no fashion sense or knowledge at all. Growing up my father would always include me in all of his brainstorming sessions. We would bounce business ideas off each other, do concept drawings, floor plans, logo’s and make branding packages until 3am some nights. We got to make at least 4 of those ideas a reality. One being a nightclub on my parent’s home island of St.Vincent, which we ran together. Those long days and night brainstorming was what later prepared me to start my own branding company when I turned 17. Creating something from a few ideas and turning it into something great is a powerful feeling.
Aaron De Freitas
Photography Copyright © 2016 by Emily Hill at Emily Maureen Photography. All rights reserved. No photography or statements may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including printing, photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the photographer.