I'm a product of choices. From my conception to now there have been two decades of choices made in my life. Some of these choices I had no control over like my religion, nationality, names etc. They were all made for me in the hopes ofbeing the best decision. I have made many choices of my own very few i wish i can changed. I had to choose between staying where i lived most my life or leave and come to Canada to start a new. I choose to come to Canada to live and learn, where I soon learned the hardships of being a new immigrant to Canada, but I'm making the choice to not let it stop or bring me down- Elijah Patrick
Photography Copyright © 2016 by Emily Hill at Emily Maureen Photography. All rights reserved. No photography or statements may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including printing, photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the photographer.