Understanding and Awareness

Xavier / Product of Animation

I produce animations on my YouTube channel TodswireStudios where I go by the name KentRippo. I have been making comics since I was 10 years old. I would always doodle in class until one day I was browsing through my sister’s closet and discovered the drawing tablet. I plugged it in and started drawing with MS Paint. Then I thought, “I could make comics and put them on YouTube!” So I did. I uploaded them onto my first channel under the name “MrTodswire”. After that I decided that no one was watching those videos so I closed the channel. Then I discovered Adobe Flash CS5. I watched a bunch of online tutorials and learned how to animate. I started work on my first animation for my school’s Robotics team. It was a bit rough though lol. Then immediately after, my graphic arts class had an Animation project. That’s when I created the Robert and Kyle series. From there my lip syncing/ animation skills kinda improved. Now I hope to create a successful web series on my channel. Other people see me as a funny guy. I guess I am lol.

Xavier Campbell
