Dameion / Product of Immigration
I was born in Kingston, Jamaica and came to Canada at 7 years old. The first 13 years were tough for me to adjust and I didn’t know why until an older family friend listened to my story and said that I was suffering from culture shock. This was a complete mind opener and after having thought about it deeply I realized this was a real phenomenon that I had experienced. Life in the new country has improved since I was a minor and I am now thankful for the rich Jamaican/Canadian heritage that has been rendered to me in the new land. I give my mother the credit for her vision + courage to start over in a new country –she had the foresight to push our family forward and as a result my brother and I have brighter futures. Thanks mom!
Dameion Roye
Photography Copyright © 2016 by Emily Hill at Emily Maureen Photography. All rights reserved. No photography or statements may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including printing, photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the photographer.