Ebony / Product of Persistence
Many look at me and assume I’m a teacher’s pet, goodie two shoes or over achiever. People see me and assume my life is a bed of roses with no struggles but the truth is, just like everyone else I have insecurities and ghosts. I use to fear that with one glance people would notice how scared I am to trust because of the assaults I have buried in my past. You’d think that because of what I’ve been through I’d allow myself to fall through the cracks. But, I haven’t fell just yet and I refuse to. Regardless of what obstacles come my way I will keep my head up and push on. My motto in life is never let the object in front of you cloud your eyes from the success that lies ahead. My future goal is to become one of Canada’s top journalist. My name is Ebony Nicholas and I am a product of persistence
Ebony Nicholas
Photography Copyright © 2016 by Emily Hill at Emily Maureen Photography. All rights reserved. No photography or statements may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including printing, photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the photographer.